
Google Translate turns Russia into Mordor

by tom13c

Google has fixed a bug in its online tool after Russia” is translated as “Mordor.””

Mordor is the name of an imaginary land, also called the Black Country” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s book, Lord of the Rings. That’s not all, since the term, “Russians” was translated by “occupiers,” and Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, was given the title of “sad little horse.”

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When celebrities become victims of online translation

by tom13c

For many, Google Translate is an online translator that translates a word, a group of words, or a phrase. It should be noted that the platform operates on a crowdsourcing model. Based on the number of times Internet users give the same translation for a word, Google Translate determines that the translation is reliable.

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