Proofreading and editing services

Checking spelling, grammar, typography and syntax are editing services that require time, patience and a faultless command of the language. A single error can jeopardize a whole long-term project, so don’t let a handful of mistakes become the focus of your work.

Our editing services

Corrections are always carried out by professional native speakers. A perfect correction can only be done in the editor’s native tongue. For this reason, all corrections are consistently assigned to professional proofreaders who work in their own native language. There are 2 types of document correction: complete correction and reviewing of translated texts.

Complete correction

This involves checking the spelling, grammar, syntax and typography of a document. Here, the proofreading only applies to one document (the target document in the case of a translation).

This service is provided by a professional proofreader and linguist in their native tongue. The grammar and spelling check focus on spelling mistakes, errors in grammar, conjugations and correct usage of tenses.

A typographical correction focuses on typography and on punctuation rules, which differ noticeably from one country to another. The syntactic correction and arrangement of the text focuses on errors in sentence construction.

Our approach when dealing with a text:

  • Deletion of spelling, grammar and conjugation mistakes
  • Deletion of errors in usage of tenses
  • Logical and expressive punctuation
  • Respect of typographical features
  • Correction of any basic errors in syntax and fluidity

Reviewing a text

This involves checking texts which are already translated to verify the quality of the translation: the meaning of the translation, the consistency between the translation and the source text, and any adding or deleting as necessary. This service is provided by a professional translator who is a native speaker of the language.

Typical profile of our proofreaders

Thierry studied at EDHEC Business School and CFPJ School of Journalism; with 20 years’ experience, he chose to follow his passions: journalism and the French language. These two passions led him to his current profession as a proofreader and assistant editor. He was also twice named finalist at the French Spelling Championships “La Dictée de Pivot”.


For text documents we use MS Word’s track changes system and deliver you a corrected version with the changes visible, as well as a ready-to-use corrected version with no visible track changes. For files where the page layout is already complete, we can make corrections on a PDF file via the software’s correction tool or by inserting comments.

Machine translation checking

Do you regularly use machine translation tools, but are unable to check the quality of the provided translation ? Not to worry, our Machine translation checking service evaluates and ensures the accuracy and quality of texts translated by machine translation (MT) systems like Chat GPT, Google Translate or Deepl Pro. Our work provides a professional version of your machine translation. The result won’t be up to the standard of a 100% human translation or even post-editing, but your text won’t contain any spelling mistakes, syntax errors or misunderstandings.


Contact us today for an in-depth look at your proofreading and editing services needs.