
Promotional Videos With Subtitles: The New Stars Of The Web

by bdaudey

According to Cisco’s latest VNI IP Forecast, video will continue to grow and dominate the web in 2021 with 80% of the global web traffic. This number could not be more telling.

 Indeed and almost without notice, promotional videos quietly appeared on our screens and are now everywhere. No less than 8 billion videos are viewed every day on Facebook alone. These figures point to the power of distributing a promotional video, not only on social networks but also within businesses. Whether it’s a corporate film or marketing video, a classic video or motion design, the possibilities are endless. In any format, it would be a shame to miss out on this media phenomenon.

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Videoconference interpreting: why choose a professional service ?

by bdaudey

At a time when the future of our economy depends on maintaining and actively developing international business relations, and when the vast majority of multilingual professional interactions must take place remotely, the question of translation and interpreting has never been so crucial to build relationships of trust and make up for the phasing out of direct, in-person contact.
Although videoconferencing and machine translation are fantastic tools, their technical features have a tendency to limit the fluidity of our interactions. It is crucial to re-establish this fluidity by achieving quick and reliable interactions no matter the context.

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