Japanese Translation Services

Japanese is the language of the world popular manga cartoons as well of business and research. Thanks to our office in Nakameguro (Tokyo), we provide the best Japanese translation services, nowadays a primary business asset.

Japanese around the World

Japan has a population of about 130 million, the vast majority (99%) of whom have Japanese as their native tongue and use it for everyday activities. Notably here, Japanese speakers in their country call their main official Japanese dialect “Yamato”.

In its historical conquests and colonization, Japan has crossed over oceans many times in their pursuits. Thank to this, there are communities exclusively made up of Japanese speakers around the world, which increases the need for Japanese translation services. In Brazil, and particularly in São Paolo, there are 1.5 million speakers of this language. Another slightly smaller community is also found in Peru.

Japanese in the Professional Sphere

Japan has become an undeniable world power. Whether in the automotive sector or high-tech in general, this smaller nation of islands with a strong communal identity and ancient roots is today an exceptional partner and motivated competitor.

When it comes to robotic technology, manufacturing gadgets, or manga art culture in general, Japan is first in mind. Fluency in the Japanese language grants a deeper understanding of the ins and outs of this culture, as well as the diverse opportunities it offers.

Japan has made considerable progress in everything relating to the automotive sector, renewable energy, and biotechnology. In order to be at the forefront of this advancement, a skilled understanding and fluency of the Japanese language is a valuable tool.

Japan ranks as the world’s 4th largest importer and exporter. Japanese fluency and understanding is a considerable tool in doing business with the Land of the Rising Sun. Short of this, hiring a professional translator provides an excellent edge for accurately translating documents in Japanese, whether it’s for official, trade, or artistic purposes.

Subtleties of the Japanese language

As with many other languages, Japanese has its subtleties. This language has many other dialects apart from Yamato, whose vocabulary and expressions can differ completely between regions. For example, in the Western part of Japan, “Hello” is translated to sound like “Maido”, whereas in the Eastern part it will sound like “Konnichiwa”. In the West, “Bochichidenna” means “I’m fine,” whereas in the East this expression is translated to sound like “Genki desu”.

Contact us today to meet your needs in Japanese translation services