Chinese Translation Services

Thanks to China’s enormous population size, and thanks to more people around the world who also choose to learn the language, the Chinese language is by far the most spoken language in the world. Atenao provides the best Chinese translation services, nowadays a primary business asset.

Chinese around the world

China has a population of approximately 1.4 billion people. The vast majority of its Chinese people speak Mandarin, which is the standard dialect or version of Chinese. Mandarin is the official language of education and administration in China. It’s also this standard version that is learned and spoken by Chinese speakers in neighboring countries. There are records for hundreds of thousands of Chinese speakers in Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Because of business, and because of the sheer number of additional Chinese-speaking people in all these other countries as well, the Chinese language has become the official language of communication there as well.

The expansion of the Chinese language spreads over the boarders of Asia, as well as across practically all 5 continents. Hence, about 30 million more people who are either frequently in touch with this Chinese language expansion or deal directly with China, have also become Chinese speakers.

Chinese in the Professional Sphere

Nowadays China is a business, manufacturing, and shipping leader worldwide, so much that its Chinese language has become prized to gain privileged partnerships with highly sought Chinese professionals and merchants. China excels at various sectors: it has surpassed the United States in mobile phone manufacturing technology; China is also the world’s 2nd largest foreign exchange reserve in the world; and it’s a giant provider of manufacturing labor and factories serving the world’s numerous industries such as apparel, automotive, electrical and electronics, housewares, and many other manufacturing sectors. The Chinese economy is not just reliant on its exports however, importing goods and services into the country also plays an important role in meeting the needs of China’s vast, growing consumer population.

The Subtleties of the Chinese Language

According to some studies, and likely due also to its sheer number of speakers, Chinese is quickly asserting itself as the most common language of Asia. Learning and mastering the fluent use of Chinese and its main spoken dialects is practically required in order to pursue opportunities in the Asian market. Since commercial transactions are always recorded in in writing, Chinese translation services and professional translators themselves are indispensable to ensure good connections, proper manners, and accurate understanding if you don’t fluently speak the Chinese language; especially when working in specific economic sectors.

Mandarin is distinguished from Cantonese, one of the most known and widely spoken dialects of Chinese, by the sound and tone of sentences. There is also a major difference between sentence structure and syntax. For example, in the English phrase “give me that book please,” Cantonese uses the following grammatical order: “please, give that book to me;” (a loose translation of the Chinese characters 唔該畀本書我). Whereas instead in Mandarin one would say “please this book give me” (請把書給我). As witnessed here, the sentence structure and syntax, and the way of expressing the same idea, are somewhat different between these two spoken versions of Chinese.

Contact us today to meet your needs in Chinese translation services